As per the media reports it has been learned from the Ministry of Defence that the Second edition of “Lieutenant General PS Bhagat Memorial Lecture” was organised by the Indian Army and United Services Institution of India (USI) on theme “Armed Forces Contribution to Realise the Vision of a Rising India” at Manekshaw Centre. Lieutenant General KT Parnaik (Retired), Hon’ble Governor of Arunachal Pradesh delivered a Keynote Address, on the theme “Armed Forces Contribution to Realise the Vision of a Rising India”. Covering a wide spectrum of tenants of rising India, the Hon’ble Governor outlined the vital role and contributions of Indian Armed Forces in the Nation Building while also recollecting anecdotes from the rich legacy of Lieutenant General Bhagat’s military career. The Hon’ble Governor acknowledged the noteworthy contribution of the Indian Armed Forces in Out of Area Contingencies and Defence Diplomacy initiatives. He also shared his thoughts on the Changing Face of Warfare Evolution, Modernisation of the Armed Forces, Self-Reliance & Technology Infusion, Net-Centric and Grey Zone Warfare.

As per the reports General Manoj Pande, the COAS, delivered a Special Address during the event. He reminded the audience about the raw courage of Lieutenant General Bhagat, who was awarded the Victoria Cross during World War-II, wherein he cleared minefields under enemy fire, encountered mine explosions thrice, and suffered an ear drum puncture, yet executed the assigned task leading his men continuously for 96 hours at a stretch. The COAS while talking about the vision and foresight of Lieutenant General PS Bhagat, said, “General Bhagat, being a progressive thinker and futurist, had written about the essence of Transformation, almost seven decades ago, as part of his insightful strategic writings in the three books – ‘Forging the Shield’, ‘The Shield and the Sword’ and ‘Wielding of Authority in Emerging Countries”.

As per the reports the event was attended by a large number of dignitaries including the former Chiefs General JJ Singh (Retired), General Deepak Kapoor (Retired) and General MM Naravane (Retired). A large number of senior serving officers, veterans and civilian dignitaries were also present. The event was an occasion to draw inspiration from the legacy of Lieutenant General PS Bhagat, whose charisma has left an indelible mark on the history of the Indian Army. During the event, a book titled “The Victoria Cross Icon: Vision and Legacy” on the rich legacy of Lieutenant General PS Bhagat, authored by Major General Shashikant G Pitre (Retired) was released. The book was eloquently introduced by the author giving out a meticulous account of General Bhagat’s military contributions, aptly delving into his military appreciations, concept papers, and his critique of the 1962 War. The book elucidates General Bhagat’s prowess as a brilliant military leader with deep strategic vision and insights, exceptional administrative abilities, astute leadership qualities and his intimate connect with the men he commanded.

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