According to Media Sources, The Border Security Force (BSF), in collaboration with the Punjab Police, recovered another drone and a heroin consignment as part of its ongoing seizure efforts, according to a press release from the BSF on Tuesday. Based on input from the BSF intelligence wing, BSF troops, along with the Punjab Police, jointly recovered one packet of suspected heroin weighing 460 grams at around 10:15 am from a farming field near Bachiwind village in Amritsar district. The packet was wrapped in yellow adhesive tape, and a copper wire loop, along with two illumination strips, were found attached to it, the release stated.
As Per Media Sources, Following another tip-off, BSF troops, together with the Punjab Police, recovered one DJI Mavic 3 Classic drone in damaged condition at approximately 06:22 pm from a farming field near Khemkaran village in Tarn Taran district, the release added. The reliable information and diligent efforts of the BSF, in coordination with the Punjab Police, successfully thwarted another illicit drone intrusion and smuggling attempt from across the border, the release concluded.
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