According to media sources, Senior BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah has alleged that the Aam Aadmi Party has created a disaster in Delhi over the last decade. He said that during this period, the whole country has progressed, but Delhi’s development trajectory has declined. Addressing a gathering at the Jhuggi Basti Pradhan Sammelan in New Delhi today, Mr. Shah stated that the AAP and Congress can never benefit the people of Delhi, as they are making promises for the sake of vote banks. He added that after the formation of a BJP government in Delhi, no welfare schemes for the poor will be stopped.
He mentioned that under the PM-AWAS scheme, over 3 crore 58 lakh people have received homes across the country, except in Delhi, because of Arvind Kejriwal. He assured that the BJP government will provide permanent homes to every family in the slums. He also promised free medical assistance of up to 10 lakh rupees for people above 70 years of age and up to 5 lakh rupees for people below 70 years of age.
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