According to media sources, India will celebrate Parakram Diwas 2025 to honour the legacy of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on the occasion of his 128th birth anniversary on Thursday. In commemoration of this celebration, a three-day event will be organised by the Ministry of Culture at Cuttack, Odisha, the birthplace of Netaji and the city that shaped his early sensibilities. The event will be inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Odisha, Mohan Charan Majhi.
On the occasion, several dignitaries will pay homage to Netaji and hoist the national flag at the house where Netaji was born, which has now been converted to a museum dedicated to him.
Subsequently, the Parakram Diwas celebration at Barabati Fort will begin with a video message by the Prime Minister and will feature a book, photo, and archival exhibition focused on Netaji’s life, showcasing rare photographs, letters, and documents from his remarkable journey.
A sculpture workshop and a painting competition-cum-workshop are also being planned on the occasion. The event will also feature cultural performances honouring Netaji’s legacy and highlighting the rich cultural tradition of Odisha. Besides, films on Netaji’s life will also be screened during the event.
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