Visakhapatnam Airport Passenger Footfall Skyrockets by over 50% – AAI

Visakhapatnam Airport Passenger Footfall Skyrockets by over 50% - AAI
Image Source : Twitter @AAI_Official

Today, Airports Authority of India said that the Visakhapatnam Airport Passenger Footfall skyrockets by over 50%. In a tweet, Airports Authority of India said, “In its unwavering commitment to providing the best services, AAI’s Visakhapatnam Airport has achieved an unprecedented surge in passenger footfall within a year, registering an impressive growth of over 50%.”

In another tweet, Airports Authority of India said, “From 1,95,231 passengers in May 2022 to a substantial 2,96,629 passengers in May 2023, Visakhapatnam Airport solidifies its position as a prominent aviation hub in the region.”

Courtsey : Twitter @AAI_Official

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