PM Modi addresses G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting

PM Modi addresses G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting
Image Source : @BJPLive

Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the G20 Health Ministers’ Meet held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat via video message. Addressing the gathering, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “Gandhiji considered health to be such an important issue that he wrote a book titled “Key to health”. He said, to be healthy is to have one’s mind and body in a state of harmony and balance. Indeed, health is the very foundation of life. We have a saying in Sanskrit “Aarogyam Param Bhagyam, Swasthyam Sarwaarth Sadhanam” – which means health is the ultimate wealth, and with good health every task can be accomplished.”

PM Modi said, “Covid-19 pandemic has reminded us that health should be at the center of our decisions. It also showed us the value of international cooperation, be it in medicine and vaccine delivery, or in bringing our people back home. Under the Vaccine Maitri initiative, India delivered 300 million vaccine doses to more than 100 countries, including many in the Global South. Resilience has turned out to be one of the biggest learning of this time. Global Health systems should also be resilient. We must be ready to Prevent, Prepare and Respond to the next health emergency.”

PM Modi said, “Cooperation is especially important in today’s interconnected world as we saw during the pandemic that health issues in one part of the world can affect all other parts of the world in a very short time. In India, we are following a holistic and inclusive approach. We are expanding healthcare infrastructure, promoting traditional system of medicines, and providing affordable healthcare to all. The global celebration of the international day of yoga is a testament for the universal desire for holistic health. This year, 2023, is being marked as International year of Millets or Shri Anna, as they are known in India, have several health benefits. We believe that holistic health and wellness can help to enhance everyone’s resilience.

PM Modi further said, “The establishment of WHO Global centre for Traditional Medicine in Jamnagar, Gujarat, is an important step in this direction. The holding of WHO Global summit on traditional medicine along with G20 Health ministers meeting will intensify the efforts to harness its potential. It should be our joint efforts to build a global repository for traditional medicine. Health and the environment are organically linked. Clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient nutrient, and secure shelter are major factors for good health.”

Prime Minister Modi said, “I congratulate you for the steps taken towards the launch of the Climate and Health Initiative. The steps taken to address the threat of Anti-microbial resistance are also commendable. AMR is a grave risk to global public health and all pharmaceutical advancements so far. I am glad that the G20 Health working group has prioritized our vision of One World One Health which envisages good health for the entire ecosystem of humans, animals, plants, and the environment. This integrated view carries Gandhiji’s message of ‘Not leaving anyone behind’. The Global initiative on digital health will bring together various digital health initiatives on common platform. Let us open our innovations for public good. Let us avoid duplication of funding. Let us facilitate equitable availability of technology.”

Courtsey : @BJPLive

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