Amrit Lal Meena, Secretary, Ministry of Coal inaugurated the Indian pavilion at World Mining Congress, Brisbane, 2023

Amrit Lal Meena, Secretary, Ministry of Coal inaugurated the Indian pavilion at World Mining Congress, Brisbane, 2023
Image Source : Twitter @MinOfPower

Today, Amrit Lal Meena, Secretary, Ministry of Coal inaugurated the Indian pavilion having CIL, NMDC and NLC at World Mining Congress, Brisbane, 2023. Today, Ministry of Power Tweeted, “Shri Amrit Lal Meena, Secretary, Ministry of Coal inaugurated the Indian pavilion having CIL, NMDC and NLC at World Mining Congress, Brisbane, 2023 showcasing India’s technological prowess in the Mining sector and commitment to sustainable  development practices.”

Courtsey : Twitter @MinOfPower

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