According to media source,20 people died due to the consumption of spurious liquor in Bihar’s Siwan, as per SP Amitesh Kumar. According to Chapra Superintendent Kumar Ashish, a Special Investigation Team has been formed. An FIR has been registered against eight people and three people have been arrested. Additionally, the local Chowkidar and Panchayat Beat Police officers have also been suspended. An explanation has been sought from the SHO of the Masrak Police station and the Masrak Zone ALTF in charge of the departmental action.
As per media reports,District Magistrate Mukul Kumar Gupta said that legal action is being taken against Bhagwanpur SHO and Prohibition ASI of the Bhagwanpur Police Station.Meanwhile the opposition RJD has launched an attack into the Nitish Kumar government questioning how the spurious liquor was made available while there was prohibtion in the state.
Image Source : PTI
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