According to media sources, In Bihar, a grand Nagar Kirtan was taken out on the second day of ongoing celebrations of Prakash Utsav to mark the 358th birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. Led by the Panj Pyaras with bedecked palanquin of Guru Granth Sahib the Nagar Kirtan passed through different parts of Patna. The procession was marked by rendering of the holy ‘Shabad Kirtan’ by the music teams of various participants. Musical band and different tableaux were main attraction of Nagar Kirtan.
During the passage of Nagar Kirtan people showered flowers and welcomed. Earlier troupes of Huzur Ragis from different parts of the country attended the Kirtan. The Takht Shri Harimandir Sahib in Patna City is the birthplace of the founder of the Khalsa Panth, Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. In Diwan Hall, a large Diwan or congregation is underway which will conclude late night. The main function of Prakash Parv, the birth anniversary of the Dashmesh Guru will be held tomorrow at midnight at Takht Harimandir Sahib.
Devotees from different parts of the country have thronged to attend the Prakash Parv Celebrations. Talking to Akashvani News devotees from Punjab praised the arrangements of Prakash Parv.
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