“BJP will win more than 10 Lok Sabha seats in Telangana, emerge biggest party in South”-Union Home Minister Amit Shah


According to media source,Union Home Minister Amit Shah, amid a fierce Lok Sabha election campaign, on Saturday said that they are going to win more than 10 seats in Telangana adding the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will emerge as the biggest political party in Southern India.”NDA and BJP are going to sweep in both the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. I also want to tell you that when the results will come on 4th June, the biggest political party in Southern India will be the BJP… We are going to get more than 10 seats in Telangana…,” Amit Shah said.”In the 3 phases of the Lok Sabha elections, NDA has reached around 200 seats. The 4th phase is going to be very good for NDA. We will get maximum success in this phase and we will move towards our target of ‘400 paar’. I can say with confidence that NDA and BJP are going to sweep in both the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. I also want to tell you that when the results will come on 4th June, the biggest political party in Southern India will be the BJP…We are going to get more than 10 seats in Telangana…,” Amit Shah said.

As per media reports, Home Minister said;”This election is divided into two groups. On one side, we have the NDA, which is moving forward under the leadership of Narendra Modi. On the other side, we have the INDI alliance, which is moving forward under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi… On one side, Rahul Gandhi goes to Bangkok and Thailand for vacations. On the other side, PM Narendra Modi did not even take a day off on Diwali and celebrate the festival with Jawans… On one side, the INDI alliance does appeasement politics. On the other side, NDA talks about sacrificing their lives for the nation… You have to choose between these two groups,”. Slamming the Opposition, Amit Shah said, “On the one hand, there is the Congress and its allies who are involved in corruption and scams of Rs 12 lakh crores. On the other hand, there is Narendra Modi, who has not been accused of corruption of even 25 paise despite being the Chief Minister for 23 years or Prime Minister for 10 years… As soon as the heat increases, some leaders regularly go on holiday to Thailand, Bangkok. On the other side is Narendra Modi who has not taken leave even on Diwali day for the last 23 years. On Diwali, he celebrates with the soldiers who protect the country on the borders…”

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