CMD GAIL Sandeep Kumar Gupta presented ‘CMD Trophy’ Award for best quality circle projects at GAIL to the winners. Today, GAIL (India) Limited Tweeted that ‘CMD Trophy’ Award for Best Quality Circle Projects at GAIL were presented by Shri Sandeep Kumar Gupta, CMD GAIL to the winners in the presence of Shri MV Iyer, Director (BD), Shri Rakesh Jain, Director (Finance), Shri Deepak Gupta, Director (Projects), Shri Sanjay Kumar, Director (Marketing) & Shri Sandeep Sarkar, CVO, GAIL.
Total 108 QC Projects were completed, out of which 14 QC Projects were recommended to present their case study before jury members.
QC Project – Atal-2 from GAIL Gandhar was awarded the Best QC Project, followed by QC Project – Spartans from GAIL Vijaipur as 1st Runner up & QC Project – Karmath from GAIL PATA as 2nd Runner up.
Consolation prize was awarded to QC project – Suchalan from GAIL Chhainsa .
CMD congratulated all the winners for their inspiring efforts, which resulted in sustainable tangible benefits for the company and emphasized on importance of such efforts and projects for the sustainability of the company.”
Courtsey : Twitter @gailindia
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