According to Media Sources, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar met United Nations Human Rights Chief Volker Turk in Geneva on Thursday and shared India’s perspectives on the global human rights situation. Sharing some pictures on X about his meeting, Jaishankar wrote, “Good to meet @volker_turk , UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva today. Shared India’s perspectives on the global human rights situation and how challenges are best addressed.”
As Per Media Sources, Further, he shared another post in which he thanked everyone, including the Indian diplomat, Arindam Bagchi, for hosting the leadership of International Organisations in Geneva. He also thanked WHO director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, UNHC chief, UN Secretary-General of Trade and Development Rebeca Grynspan, and Executive Director at United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Nikhil Seth, Secretary General at Ramsar Convention, Musonda Xoliswa Mumba, Ambassador Jean-David Levitte and Swiss Diplomat, Director of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy Thomas Greminger. “Thank @abagchimea for hosting the leadership of international organisations in Geneva. Appreciate the meeting today with @DrTedros , @volker_turk , @RGrynspan , @NikhilSethUN , @MumbaMusondam , Amb Jean-David Levitte, and @ThGreminger,” Jaishankar said on X.
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