According to media source, The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested Pranav Gupta and Vineet Gupta, the two co-founders of the Haryana-based Ashoka University, in an alleged money laundering case. A report quoting sources indicated that the probe agency has also nabbed a chartered accountant – identified as SK Bansal.
As per media reports,The arrests were made under provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The three of them are expected to be produced before a court in Chandigarh by the ED, which will seek their custody.
According to media source, The money laundering case is linked to the ₹1,627 crore-alleged bank fraud involving Parabolic Drugs. The Chandigarh-based pharmaceutical company is promoted by Pranav Gupta and Vineet Gupta, and was booked by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in 2021.
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