Counting on all 25 out of 26 seats in Gujarat Lok Sabha Elections 2024 has begun. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) clinched all the 26 seats in the previous General Elections in 2019. Accoding to the media sources, BJP’s Amit Shah is leading in Gandhinagar seat by over 268,000 votes after six rounds of counting. BJP candidate from Porbandar seat, Mansukh Mandaviya, is leading from the seat. However, BJP’s Arjun Modhwadia has clinched the Assembly seat of Porbandar by a huge margin of over 1 lakh votes.
However, it is being predicted by a few political pundits that the case will not be the same in 2024 as there are three seats, where the ruling party might face a tough competition. These includes the seats of Porbandar, Rajkot and Gandhinagar. The result for Surat constituency seat is already declared as BJP’s candidate has won it unopposed. As per India TV’s Exit Poll, BJP likely to secure hat-trick sweep in PM Narendra Modi’s home state Gujarat. However, as per the latest trends, BJP is leading on 24 seats while Congress’s Chandanji Talaji Thakoris is ahead in Patan constituency.
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