As per the media reports a 16-year-old mountaineer from Mumbai has added her name to the history book by becoming the youngest Indian mountaineer to scale the Mt Everest from the Nepal side. She also becomes the second youngest girl in the world to achieve this feat. Kaamya Karthikeyan is a Class 12 student of Navy Children School, Mumbai.
As per the reports Kaamya Karthikeyan and her father Cdr S Karthikeyan a naval commander of the Indian Navy successfully summited Mt. Everest (8849 M) on 20 May 24.
Indian Navy also congratulates Kaamya Karthikeyan on becoming the youngest Indian and the second youngest girl in the world to summit Mt Everest from the Nepal side. Kaamya has exhibited immense courage & fortitude in summiting the highest peaks in six of the seven continents.
Image Sources: Social Media
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