MP: Pankaj Kumar, Secretary, DoWR, RD&GR, MoJS, inaugurated the new office of KBLPA in Bhopal on July 21

MP: Pankaj Kumar, Secretary, DoWR, RD&GR, MoJS, inaugurated the new office of KBLPA in Bhopal on July 21
Image Source : @MoJSDoWRRDGR

MP: Pankaj Kumar, Secretary, Department of Water Resources (DoWR), River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (RD&GR), Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS), inaugurated the new office of the Ken-Betwa Link Project Authority (KBLPA) in Bhopal on July 21.

Today, Official Twitter Account of Ministry of Jal Shakti tweeted, “On 21.07.2023, Shri Pankaj Kumar, Secretary, DoWR, RD&GR, MoJS, inaugurated the new office of the Ken-Betwa Link Project Authority (KBLPA) in Bhopal.”

In another tweet, Ministry of Jal Shakti said, “Following  the inauguration a meeting was also held between Shri Pankaj Kumar, Secretary, DoWR, RD&GR, MoJS, & Chief Secretary, Govt. of MP to discuss issues related to the Ken-Betwa Link Project. The meeting took place at Vallabh Bhawan, Mantralaya, Bhopal (MP).”

Courtsey : @MoJSDoWRRDGR

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