According to the media sources, President Droupadi Murmu cast her vote in the New Delhi Lok Sabha constituency on Saturday. Murmu reached the polling booth at Dr Rajendra Prasad Kendriya Vidyalaya, inside the President’s Estate, around 9 am, they said. After voting, Murmu held up her inked finger as she posed for photos for media persons outside the polling booth, which was decorated in pink and white colours.
Murmu, who hails from Odisha, was sworn in as the 15th President of India on 25 July, 2022. She received her new voter identification card with the updated address on 28 November last year. Her old voter ID carried her Odisha address.
#WATCH | President Droupadi Murmu casts her vote for #LokSabhaElections2024 at a polling booth in Delhi
— ANI (@ANI) May 25, 2024
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