RVNL successfully bagged order worth around 1845 Cr from NHAI


New Delhi: Rail Vikas Nigam Limited is under the ownership of Indian Railways, Ministry of Railways, Government of India announced that Consortium has successfully bagged an order worth Rs. 1844.77 Crore from the National Highways Authority of India – NHAI.

The project is regarding the Construction of 4 laning of NH-5 from kaithlighat to Sharkal village in the state of Himachal Pradesh on hybrid annuity mode.

The Construction of 4 laning of NH-5 (old NH-22) from Kaithlighat to Shakral Village is PKG I from Km 128.835 to Km 146.300, Design Length 17.465km.

News & Image Source : psuconnect.in

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